Source code for GUI.UpdateWindow.WarningWindow

import logging

from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QMessageBox

[docs]class WarningWindow: """ :Description: Used to check user's inputs and pop up warning window if needed. :param can_id: Can id in hex format. :type can_id: str :param start_bit: Data start bit in can msg. :type start_bit: int :param length: Data length in can msg. :type length: int :param multiplier: Data multiplier in can msg. :type multiplier: float, int :param offset: Data offset in can msg. :type offset: float, int """ def __init__(self, can_id, start_bit, length, multiplier, offset, endian): self.can_id = can_id self.start_bit = start_bit self.length = length self.multiplier = multiplier self.offset = offset self.endian = endian
[docs] def check_user_inputs(self): """ :Description: Runs series of checks on class input parameters. :return: True if all checked parameters are valid. :rtype: bool """ if not self.check_can_id(): return False if not self.check_start_bit(): return False if not self.check_length(): return False if not self.check_multiplier(): return False if not self.check_offset(): return False if not self.check_endian(): return False return True
[docs] @staticmethod def show_warning_window(title, msg): """ :Description: Display warning message box with given title and message :param title: Title of message box. :param title: str :param msg: Message that will be displayed. :type msg: str """ warningwindow = QMessageBox() warningwindow.setIcon(QMessageBox.Warning) warningwindow.setWindowTitle(title) warningwindow.setText(msg) warningwindow.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox.Ok) warningwindow.exec_()
[docs] def check_can_id(self): """ :Description: Can id is expected to be convertible to HEX string of max len 8.\n If error is raised Warning Window will pop up. :raises TypeError: Can_id is not a string. :raises ValueError: Can_id is hex string longer then 8. """ try: int(self.can_id, 16) if type(self.can_id) != str: raise TypeError if len(self.can_id) > 8: raise ValueError return True except (TypeError, ValueError): self.show_warning_window("Can ID Error", "Can ID must be a hex string of max 8 hex values")"User tried to input {}. Can ID must be a hex string".format(self.can_id)) return False
[docs] def check_start_bit(self): """ :Description: Start bit is expected to be convertible to int in range of 0 - 63.\n If error is raised Warning Window will pop up. :raises ValueError: Start bit is not an integer. :raises ArithmeticError: Start bit is not in range 0 - 63. """ try: if int(self.start_bit) < 0 or int(self.start_bit) > 63: raise ArithmeticError return True except ValueError: self.show_warning_window("Start bit Error", "Start bit must be an integer")"User tried to input {}. Start bit must be an integer".format(self.start_bit)) return False except ArithmeticError: self.show_warning_window("Start bit Error", "Start bit must be in range 0 - 63")"User tried to input {}. Start bit must be in range 0 - 63".format(self.start_bit)) return False
[docs] def check_length(self): """ :Description: Length is expected to by convertible to int in range of 1 - 63.\n If error is raised Warning Window will pop up. :raises ValueError: Length bit is not an integer. :raises ArithmeticError: Length is not in range 1 - 63. """ try: if int(self.length) < 1 or int(self.length) > 63: raise ArithmeticError return True except ValueError: self.show_warning_window("Length Error", "Length must be an integer")"User tried to input {}. Length must be an integer".format(self.length)) return False except ArithmeticError: self.show_warning_window("Length Error", "Length must be in range 1 - 63")"User tried to input {}. Length must be in range 1 - 63".format(self.length)) return False
[docs] def check_multiplier(self): """ :Description: Multiplier is expected to by convertible to float.\n Cannot be equal to 0.\n If error is raised Warning Window will pop up. :raises ValueError: Multiplier is not an integer or float. :raises ArithmeticError: Multiplier is equal to 0. """ try: if float(self.multiplier) == 0: raise ArithmeticError return True except ValueError: self.show_warning_window("Multiplier Error", "Multiplier must be an integer or float")"User tried to input {}. Multiplier must be an integer or float".format(self.multiplier)) return False except ArithmeticError: self.show_warning_window("Multiplier Error", "Multiplier cannot be 0")"User tried to input {}. Multiplier cannot be 0".format(self.multiplier)) return False
[docs] def check_offset(self): """ :Description: Offset is expected to by convertible to float.\n If error is raised Warning Window will pop up. :raises TypeError: Offset is not an integer or float. """ try: float(self.offset) return True except ValueError: self.show_warning_window("Offset Error", "Offset must be an integer or float")"User tried to input {}. Offset must be an integer or float".format(self.offset)) return False
[docs] def check_endian(self): """ :Description: Endian is expected to be convertible to str and have value of "L" or "B".\n If error is raised Warning Window will pop up. :raises TypeError: Endian is not a str. :raises ValueError: Endian is not a "L" or "B". """ try: if type(self.endian) != str: raise TypeError if self.endian not in ["L", "B"]: raise ValueError return True except TypeError: self.show_warning_window("Endian Error", "Endian must be string")"User tried to input {}. Endian must be string".format(self.endian)) return False except ValueError: self.show_warning_window("Endian Error", "Endian is expected as 'L' or 'B'")"User tried to input {}. Endian is expected as 'L' or 'B'".format(self.endian)) return False