Source code for GUI.CommunicationWindow.SerialSettings

import logging

from PyQt5 import uic
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QMainWindow, QPushButton, QComboBox, QLineEdit

from CanReader.Communication.SerialCom import SerialCom
from CanReader.Config.Communication.ComConfigHandler import ComConfigHandler
from CanReader.GUI.UpdateWindow.WarningWindow import WarningWindow

[docs]class SerialSettingWindow(QMainWindow): """ :Inherit: :class:`QMainWindow` :Description: Create window with settings for serial communication.\n Let user adjust configuration for serial communication.\n UI was created in Qt Designer and loaded from "SerialSettings.ui" :param parent: Parent widget :type parent: QWidget """ def __init__(self, parent): QMainWindow.__init__(self) uic.loadUi('GUI/CommunicationWindow/SerialSettings.ui', self) self.parent = parent # UI interface self.button_save = self.findChild(QPushButton, "button_save") self.button_save.clicked.connect(self.save_settings) self.cbox_ports = self.findChild(QComboBox, "cbox_ports") self.baud_input = self.findChild(QLineEdit, "baud_input") # Get current settings self.config = ComConfigHandler() self.port, self.baud_rate = self.config.load_serial_info() # Show ports and baud rates self.update_available_ports() self.show_actual_port() self.show_actual_baud_rate()
[docs] def update_available_ports(self): """ :Description: Loads a show all available COM ports. """ self.cbox_ports.clear() port_list = SerialCom.available_com_ports() for port in port_list: self.cbox_ports.addItem(port)
[docs] def show_actual_port(self): """ :Description: Show actual port settings if saved port is available on system. """ if self.port in SerialCom.available_com_ports(): self.cbox_ports.setCurrentText(self.port)
[docs] def show_actual_baud_rate(self): """ :Description: Show actual baud rate setting. """ self.baud_input.setText(str(self.baud_rate))
[docs] def save_settings(self): """ :Description: Save new serial configuration.\n If error is raised Warning Window will pop up. :raises ValueError: -- Baud rate in not convertible to integer.\n -- Port is empty. :raises TypeError: Port is not a str. :raises ArithmeticError: Baud rate is not in range 300 - 921600. :raises OSError: Port cannot be find on the system. """ port = self.cbox_ports.currentText() baud_rate = self.baud_input.text() if self.check_baud_rate(baud_rate) and self.check_port(port): self.config.update_serial_info(port, baud_rate) self.close()
[docs] @staticmethod def check_baud_rate(baud_rate): """ :Description: Check if baud is convertible int in range of 300 - 921600.\n If error is raised Warning Window will pop up. :param baud_rate: Baud rate. :type baud_rate: int :raises ValueError: Baud rate in not convertible to integer. :raises ArithmeticError: Baud rate is not in range 300 - 921600. :return: True if check is passed. :rtype: bool """ try: if not(300 <= int(baud_rate) <= 921600): raise ArithmeticError return True except ValueError: WarningWindow.show_warning_window("Baud rate Error", "Baud rate must be an integer")"User tried to input {}. Baud rate must be an integer".format(baud_rate)) return False except ArithmeticError: WarningWindow.show_warning_window("Baud rate Error", "Baud rate must be in range 300 - 921600")"User tried to input {}. Baud rate must be in range 300 - 921600".format(baud_rate)) return False
[docs] @staticmethod def check_port(port): """ :Description: Check if port is a non empty str and can be found on the system. :param port: Com port name. :type port: str :raises TypeError: Port is not a str. :raises ValueError: Port is empty. :raises OSError: Port cannot be find on the system. :return: True if check is passed. :rtype: bool """ try: if type(port) != str: raise TypeError if port == "": raise ValueError if port.upper() not in SerialCom.available_com_ports(): raise OSError return True except ValueError: WarningWindow.show_warning_window("Port Error", "Port cannot be empty.")"User tried to empty port. Port must be a system accessible.") return False except TypeError: WarningWindow.show_warning_window("Port Error", "Port must be string.")"User tried to type {}. Port must be string.".format(type(port))) return False except OSError: WarningWindow.show_warning_window("Port Error", "Selected port was not found on the system.")"User tried to input {}. Port must be a system accessible.".format(port)) return False